Friday, October 2, 2009

5days 4 nights at Sapa (17th-22nd Dec 09)

Hey guys!Check this out!

Package Includes
  • Return airtickets and airport tax to Hanoi

  • Hotel Stay in Hanoi and Sapa

  • Transportation in Hanoi

  • Transportation to and back from Sapa

  • Tour guides during Sapa hikes

  • Entrance fees to Museums and places of attraction

  • Most meals

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


header four | paris
header three | china
header two | italy
header one | netherlands
. a compilation of headers this exchange trip .

Saturday, July 4, 2009

new header! thanks junyuan for e pics!

Friday, June 26, 2009

sweden: cleared!

yes, i'm done wif sch!

after a semester in lund, i've left sweden for my vacation. here's some pics of my school, ikdc, in lund, sweden (taken from websites).

kinda miss the place. lecturer's a huge german designer who looks intimidating, but is actually v friendly n helpful, haha =)

ok, time to go for my final travel before returning to singapore! 

Saturday, May 23, 2009

for people who are bored

here's a site with some pretty cool videos! it's actually a blog for a module i've been taking (for a few months) but.. yeah i just realised there was a blog. oops.

Friday, May 22, 2009

For all of you guys overseas who miss Yixiang.. =)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Scene out of a Geography Textbook

This was taken at arguably the largest terrace farming area in the world in Guangxi Province, southern China. The whole area is much, much bigger than what is seen in the pic.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Risis final presentation

Risis final day presentation. Finally it over! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So over the weekend,
Kim visited

we went to Jungfraujoch
about 3500m above sea level
braved -14.6 degrees
and 46km/hr winds

where we hiked
it is pretty crazy
but awesome

Monday, March 23, 2009


doesn't this photo really bring that to mind?

i've just been a on a great trip to cinque terre (5 lands).
5 small towns, connected by walking and hiking trails. incredible range of scenery.. go there if you have a chance!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cultural Case Study

This post is long overdue. But nonetheless, i shall update everyone on some lessons that  I/we learnt about the different countries over this period so far. 

Kiruna, Sweden :

Lesson #1 There is NO such thing as snow blindness. Absolutely nothing like it. (*Liren just walked into the picture.. conveniently.. =)  )

Lesson #2 Sleeping in an IGLOO isn't as cold as we expected. In fact, it quite cool!

Lesson #3 Writing your name with piss on snow is not that easy. Either you run out of piss, or you have too much left. (Below is a very poor attempt to spell my name "ROY"... and as you can see i have too much piss left at the end)

Lesson #4  For seeing Northern Lights.. Having a clear sky is more important than having high Northern Lights probability.

Lesson #5   5 to 6 layers of clothes are enough to fight the winter cold. Oh, not including underwears....

Amsterdam, Netherlands: 

Lesson #1 Coffeeshops are everywhere! More than our Kopi Tiam. And about Space cakes... Well... It brings you to space. Period.

Lesson #2 The Red Light District in Amsterdam is a must go!! It even reminds you to bring your kids along! Check out the signage above.

Lesson #3 Any city with rivers flowing through them,with shophouses on both sides are BEAUTIFUL!! Rated by me, the third beautiful city (after San Franc and New York)...

Lesson # 4 Heineken originated from Amsterdam! Bet you never knew!

Paris, France:

Lesson #1 The French LOVES sex.

Lesson #2 And the French likes to be different.

Lesson #3 Paris isn't the best place to shop. In fact, shopping there sucks. Well, at least the window displays are ultimate!!!
Lesson #4  For those who grew up playing the boardgame "Hotel". There is really a LE GRAND hotel!! Exactly the same some more!! Just like the model!
Lesson #5 Train System in Paris can be rather confusing.
Lesson #6 Eiffel Tower and Paris wasn't as magnificent as i would expect. But Jumping in front of monuments was!


Lesson #1 All buskers in Ireland sings damn well and have already cut albums.

Lesson #2 Irish are crazy over the colour green. Like TOTALLY! They even have green beers!

Lesson #3 Guinness is a product of Ireland. And only in Ireland, are there more Guinness on taps than any other beers. Also the Irish are super proud of this beverage! I met this chap in a pub and i asked him if Guinness is an Irish Beer. He exclaimed, "NO, it's a MAN's Beer!!!" O_o

Lesson #4   80% Irish girls has a nice, pretty perky nose. Prettiest Europeans so far. Hiaz. don't talk about the Dutch....

Lesson #5    There are really scene like in the 'P.S. I love you' movie. Really!

Eindhoven, Netherlands:

Lesson #1  You spend 10% of your time in school, 30% of your time grocery shopping, 30% of your time cooking, and 30% of your time eating dinner/washing up.  (You get the idea?)

Lesson #2  The best attraction here only opens on Saturday. It's call the Saturday Market. We hang out there every weekend! =)

Lesson #3  Sundays in Singapore are always too short. Sundays in Eindhoven are always too long. By the way, European cities turn into Ghost cities on Sunday, maybe with the exception of Dublin. Yes! Even in Paris, you can't find a toilet that is open on Sunday!

Lesson #4  Dutch ID students are very relaxed. Very good with prototypes using LEDs. But other than that, erm.. we have an edge.. hee..

Well, so far so good. Now i'm expecting this to generate a hot tagboard discussion.. haha.. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

news from singapore

'ta da' this was on wednesday home section. just thought you guys would want to see it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

West Lake in Hangzhou (杭州西湖)

Hey, Jun yuan updating here. Here's some pictures from China to complete the international round up. Pictures of West Lake in the early spring, when its still rainy and cold.
Group shot...
Swaying willows in the breeze
Misty mountains in the horizon
The idyllic boat ride...

Green waters
Something interesting on the ground..